
Safety Bulletin

Valley Elementary School

Safety Bulletin

Children's safety at arrival and dismissal times are a concern!  Our goal is to make sure that all students arrive and depart school safely.  Student safety is the combined responsibility of teachers, staff, students, and parents.

School gates will be secured during school hours.  All visitors should enter/exit campus through the office.

  • All children will be walked to the quad area by their teachers and released to parents there, dismissed to walk/ride home, or escorted to their buses. 

  • Parents waitig for dismissal need to wait by the office or in the quad area, not by the classrooms.

  • Any parent/sibling who needs to use the restroomwhile waiting may use the restroom in the office ONLY.  Student restrooms are for Valley students ONLY.

  • Pets should not be on campus during school/office hours without special permission.

  • Older VES siblings picking up younger students must meet at the flag pole.

Student pick-up area is the quad area and the loading zone is at the yellow curb in front of the main quad.


  • At the entrance/exit of the driveway

  • Dumpster area/wall/driveway/parking lot

  • Between classrooms

  • At the multipurpose room entrance

  • On the sidewalk near the street

Students are to stay off the grass area and out of the planter areas and to walk on the sidewalks.

CVC 22500 - No person shall stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle whether attended or unattended in the folllowing places -- the curb painted red.

  • Vehicles should not be left unattended in the loading zone marked with a yellow curb.

  • Drivers must follow directions given by all staff members.

  • Double parking to wait for children creates a traffice jam.  For safety reasons, cars cannot block the driveway or impede emergency access to the school.

CVC 21212 - Youth bicycle helmets:  Minors.  A person under 18 years of age shall not operate a bicycle, or ride upon a bicycle as a passenger, upon a street or bikeway unless that person is wearing a properly fitted and fastened bicycle helmet that meets standards.

Parents staying on campus for meetings or to talk are responsible for supervising their children.  Please note that there are no yard duty supervisors on the playground after school.

All of need to consistently enforce these rules in order to make dismissal time organized and safe for everyone.

If you park on the west side of Eigth Street when waiting for your child, you need to cross the street using the crosswalk and accompany your child when returning to your automobile.  NEVER, NEVER, NEVER allow or signal your child to cross the street without you.


  • To help solve the traffic congestion in front of the school at dismissal time, we are asking all parents to approach the school from the south (Ave E/Eighth Street), enter the drive in front of the school, and then exit from the north exit turning RIGHT only.  This will make for a much smoother flow of traffic.

  • When picking up students at the student loading zone, please pull as far forward along the pick up zone as possible.  Also, drivers are to pull up to the curb to pick up students.  For their safety, students will not be allowed to enter cars that are not pulled up to the yellow curb.

Students who walk home must cross at designated crosswalks for their safety.

Please inform the office and/or sheriff's department of any unsafe or suspicious situations.

We appreciate your cooperation in helping us make dismissal time at Valley safe for our children and less stressful for you.